DECEMBER 4, 2008

DECEMBER 4, 2008

Well, I stayed up until 5am this morning to finish my blog, so I'm a little tired but I'm having so much fun I had to blog about today! Today I started the day cleaning the house as fast as I could and doing some homeschooling with Alyssa and Brandon. We went to the Mahaffey Theatre and saw a musical production The Magi's Gift (I think that was the name). It was a great play about the love of a married couple who sold their two most prized possessions to a get a gift for the other - the wife cut her hair and he sold his pocket watch. His gift to her was beautiful combs for her long hair that was no longer there and her gift to him was a new chain for the pocket watch which was no longer his. In the end, the moral was the greatest gift we have is EACH OTHER! I hope God will use this in my life to help remember the greatest gift I have is first is what he did for me on the cross and then my family. Help me Lord to remember that! After the show we went to the park with one of my dearest friend's Debbie and her daughter Chelsea and three other friends, Sarah, Hannah, & Rachel! The kids had a great time playing on the park!! Later that evening at home Brian shared a short story about our fourth ornament -- and we may be doing them in the wrong order because I lost my little baggy for this one and we don't have the actual Jesse Tree Devotion book that goes along with this. The camel and the tent and since we don't have the book we weren't exactly sure which Bible story this ornament went with but we think The camel and the tent represented camels and tents the Israelites used when Moses led them out of Egypt and eventually into the Promise Land. I pray I will choose to walk in the promise land daily and not in the wilderness! Galations 5:1 For it is for freedom that Christ has set you free, stand firm and then and do not let yourselves be burden again by a yoke of slavery! Then the kids opened their day 4 gift, and they each had a special dessert, chocolate chip cookies! Yum!

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